TELEPHONE: 01531 630091 :: Buy Poultry Equipment - Nests :: SKA Rear Rollaway Nests - Avio-D, suitable for up to 450 bird capacity

SKA Rear Rollaway Nests - Avio-D, suitable for up to 450 bird capacity

SKA Rear Rollaway Nests - Avio-D, suitable for up to 450 bird capacity 
SKA Automatic Rollaway Nests

* reduce egg damage
* keep the eggs clean
* reduce the frequency of egg collection
* help prevent egg eating losses
* self cleaning belt collection

Rollaway nests have the advantage of reducing egg damage, keeping the eggs clean and also reducing the frequency of egg collection. Using the egg collection system the eggs are collected from a hand or motor operated belt outside the building under a weather canopy or on a static house inside an egg room.

The nests are communal and to collect the eggs, the operator turns a manual wheel or handle outside the poultry house (this can also be powered) and the eggs are delivered to the operator. This has the benefit of egg storage and minimal disruption to the birds inside the house.

The nests also feature night time exclusion, operated by a handle from outside. This gently shuts off the nestboxes and prevents the birds from fouling inside the nesting area.

Supplied for self-assembly with instructions, manual winder, support legs, perch rail , astroturf and manual night time exclusion device.

126 bird capacity
150 bird capacity
Add on units with legs, egg collection and additional belt

Reasons we choose SKA Nests:
Affordable : Well Engineered : Clean : Adaptable : Productive : Quality

Allow 8 weeks from order to delivery

Note The SKA assembly pictures show an electric belt motor, this is not included in our offer but can be priced separately if 240/110v power is available
Note The night time exclusion is a manual lever system in this offer, a timer and actuator can be suppplied subject to the necessary power supply

Contact us for more information

Shipping Weight 500.00 kgs
Price: £5886.00

Sta Nestbox
Belimio 240v Exclusion Motor and control

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